• Emails containing a promotion and email volume was flat YoY.
  • Emails containing “Black Friday” and “Cyber” occurred earlier and more frequently compared to LY.
  • Fewer subject lines included “extended” Cyber Monday and the day after compared to LY.
  • Free Shipping, curbside pick up, and in-store pick up had a positive impact on revenue for those offering it.

Early reports from Black Friday and Cyber Monday indicate lower than anticipated ecommerce sales (eMarketer predicted a 49.5% YoY growth while we only saw a 22% growth). 22% YoY growth in ecommerce is nothing to bat an eye at as ecommerce continues to forge forward while foot traffic slows (52% decrease YoY).

The lower than anticipated growth is likely due to brands starting promotions in early November and major sales kicking off the week leading up to Black Friday. Based on MailCharts data from our core 6 industry groups, mentions of “Black Friday” and “Cyber” occurred earlier and more frequently compared to 2019.

Weekly  Black Friday  and  Cyber  Mentions in Emails 1 1024x327

Based on Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, it’s not surprising that send volume and emails containing a promotion were flat YoY. While these metrics were flat, we did see an increase in emails containing a promotion on Cyber Monday than on Black Friday signaling again that ecommerce continues to grow.

2020 Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday Promotion Rate 7 1024x411

We also noticed that fewer subject lines included the keyword “extended” on Cyber Monday and the day after (5.6%) compared to 7.9% last year. This is likely due to brands starting promotions in early November and likely continuing deals through December.

Of subject lines containing  extended  1 1024x402

The most notable changes this year? The content. Retailers who offered curbside or in-store pickup had higher digital revenue than those that did not. We also saw more brands mentioning their shipping deadlines to guarantee delivery by Christmas. Below are a few of our favorites that stood out this year:



Why we love it: This email contains not only great product discounts but also curbside pickup, in-store pickup, Gift cards, and free shipping on all orders.

Carter's - These deals are going as fast as the weekend...

Stride Rite

Why we love it: Shipping deadlines are tight this year with COVID causing delays. We love that they’ve already started including their order cutoff for Christmas delivery.

Stride Rite - Black Friday Deals! 100s Of Items At Amazing Prices


Why we love it: While this email doesn’t include any huge sales, it does bring their holiday shipping details, return policy, and giftable packaging to the forefront of the email for an easy shopping experience.

Rothy's - Something golden is coming...


Why we love it: While this email is simple in design it contains a unique promotion: Get free shipping for a year if you buy something on Black Friday. We thought this approach was unique and not something we typically see during Cyber Week.

Primary - FREE SHIPPING for an ENTIRE YEAR❗️❗️❗️


Need help planning your next campaign?

MailChart’s has hundreds of great gift guides, shipping, and holiday examples within the MailCharts app to help you end 2020 strong. Sign up for a free account today and get started!

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