*From February 29th-March 11th, 2024, 7 For All Mankind will donate $20 USD from the purchase of each style in the 7 For All Mankind x Alexandra Nechita Collaboration
sold in the following 7 For All Mankind stores in Europe (Milan, London Regent, Amsterdam, Ginevra, Frankfurt, Paris, Brussels, Rome, Hamburg – Tee only) and the U.S. (Aventura, Soho, Palazzo, Bleecker, Scottsdale Fashion, Houston Galleria, Santa Monica Place, Mall at Millenia, Century City, La Cantera), and $20 from each purchase of selected denim pieces sold on www.7forallmankind.com to U.S. customers, to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to help refugees and displaced people around the world. 7 For All Mankind commits a $100,000 minimum guaranteed donation to the IRC for a series of campaigns including this one. For more information visit www.rescue.org and 7forallmankind.com. No part of the purchase price is tax-deductible.